Friday, February 15, 2019 Lander Compton Blog 12594
Since my web host threatened to charge me for continued PHP 5.6 support, I was forced to upgrade to PHP 7.2. Unfortunately, this also broke's website. Therefore, instead of investing energy into fixing the issues, I decided to start with a fresh new look. I wanted to update the site's cosmetics anyway and this seemed like a good time to do so. Additionally, since it is a time for...
Saturday, February 16, 2019 Lander Compton Blog 8477
The world, and particularly the west, would be a vastly different place if it were not for its three main religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Often times in history, and even still today, these religions have found themselves at war with each other while shaping the course of history. Easy to forget, with all the friction between them, is that they share common books they consider holy.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Lander Compton Blog 5258
Word Division Puzzles is an Android app that generates and checks word division puzzles. The puzzles it generates are long division problems with the numbers turned into letters. The goal is to reverse engineer the problem to find the value for each letter. The process requires algebra, logic, and thought and will not appeal to those who do not enjoy intellectual challenges. If a challenge...
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 Lander Compton Blog 4371 Why You Deserve Healthcare A doctor made this comment to me regarding people needing, but not able to afford, healthcare:... and surely don't ask every other citizen who works and earns more to have to make up the difference... In the USA, many people seem to just accept his statement. If...
Monday, October 05, 2020 Lander Compton Blog 4979
About I've owned for well over a decade, soon to be two decades. The name "hypermodern" is from one of the best chess books of all time: "My System," by Aaron Nimzowitsch. It describes a style of play called "hypermodern," that challenged the established classical chess orthodoxy of his time. For quite some time I've struggled with what I wanted to...
Tuesday, October 06, 2020 Lander Compton Blog 3388
I wanted to give anyone reading a practical example of how health insurance in the USA is unaffordable. In my state, if my employer offers a health insurance plan where the premium is below 9% of the employees’ income, that employee is not eligible to get health insurance through This 9%, however, is not the true cost of this health insurance. There is also the deductible. In my...
Saturday, February 20, 2021 Lander Compton Blog 5216
I spend a fair amount of time trying to understand how to bind an Core 5 MVC form to an Entity property consisting of a List of another Entities. After all my goofs, it was surprisingly simple. Here is the solution I found: Below is the model. First create the MainEntity with a property that is a List of SubEntities. // The Model public Class MainEntity { public List Examples...
Sunday, February 28, 2021 Lander Compton Blog 5552
The basic URL structure of an core web app is: However, I am building a resume application and wanted a URL structure similar to LinkedIn which is: www.linkedin/ln/user-name In my case, it would be: www.mywebsite/hm/resume-name To make this happen I created a controller named "hm," with the standard action method named "Index." Next, in the...
Friday, May 14, 2021 Lander Compton Blog 10205
I spent a couple days trying to figure out how to send data from JavaScript's Fetch() to my ASP.NET Core 5 MVC controller. For anyone else struggling for a simple easy answer on how to do this, read on. The Why Up till now, I have been using jQuery's implementation of AJAX to send data to the code behind. However, since Bootstrap 5, jQuery is no longer included by default in their package. Since...
Thursday, September 01, 2022 Lander Compton Blog 3098
My health care provider's office is annoying me lately. After a 15 minute $225 visit for a eye infection at the local "low cost" community clinic I inquired about he price. The office staff said the clinic recently increased their prices. I asked how much I could expect my next routine visit to costs... they could not give me an answer. I then called billing and left a voicemail. No response or...